+265 993 237 420

About Us

Biodiversity Conservation Initiative (BCI)
was set up to support community development through conservation and sustainable use of local biological resources,
particularly agricultural biological diversity (agrobiodiversity) i.e. genetic resources for food and agriculture.

These include plant genetic resources of crops, wild plants harvested and managed for food,
animal genetic resources of domesticated animals, wild animals hunted for food, wild and farmed fish and microbial
and fungal genetic resources. BCI will also conserve agro-ecosystems, biocontrol agents for crops and livestock plus traditional
knowledge of agricultural biological diversity for sustainable livelihoods. BCI is a local organization that was established and incorporated under the Trustees Incorporated Act on 7 February 2012. Its registration number is TR/INC1746.

Management Team With Our Partners Visiting The Community.
On this day our team guided by Dr. Mkamanga red our partners to witness how BCI have impacted lives of people in different communities doing agriculture. Some of the beneficiaries received goats, and attendend a management meeting with stakeholders


To support Community Development through Conservation and Sustainable Use of Indigenous Agricultural Biological Resources for food and agriculture in Malawi.


A leader in conservation and sustainable use of indigenous [local] agricultural biological resources in Malawi.


Train farmers, researchers, and extension staff in the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biological diversity. Focus on plant genetic resources management, Community Seed Banks, seed collection, multiplication, characterization, and evaluation. Expanding into seed multiplication to ensure seed security in targeted areas. Once there are enough seeds, BCI will teach sustainable agriculture practices such as soil and water conservation, manure/compost making, multiple cropping, agroforestry, and integrated pest management. The aim is to increase local crop production to ensure farmers have enough food for both seed and food security, as well as surplus for sale to improve their livelihoods.


We are currently working on three projects where as the first two projects are already underway, and the third project is phased



Project period: 2020-2025
Project Target: 15, 000 Agriculture dependent Households
Project Catchment Area: Rumphi District, in Bolero and Mhuju EPAs



Scaling up climate adapted agriculture in malawi and mozambique project
Project period: 2021-2025
Project Target: 9, 000 Agriculture dependent Households
Project Catchment Area: Rumphi District in Katowo and Mwazisi EPAs, and Mzimba District in Kazomba and Vibangalala EPAs



Community Based Agrobiodiversity Management project
The first phase of the project was run from 2013 to 2015

Our Partners

Seed and Knowledge Initiative (SKI)

The Seed and Knowledge Initiative (SKI) is a dynamic partnership of diverse southern African organizations committed to securing food sovereignty in the region. SKI works with smallholder farmers to become more seed, food and nutritionally secure through farmer-led seed systems, improved crop diversity, and the revival of local knowledge systems. While SKI have relationships with a number of organizations and individuals all over the world, its primary stakeholders are the farmers that it works with in Malawi, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The initiative started in 2013 and has since grown to include 15 partner organizations across those four Southern African countries. Visit Seed and Knowledge Initiative (SKI)

The Development Fund of Norway (DF)

Development Fund (DF) of Norway is a Norwegian international non-governmental organization focusing on sustainable livelihoods and poverty reduction among smallholder farmers in Malawi. DF focuses on budding resilience to climate change and promoting climate adapted agriculture in selected districts in Malawi. DF has been working in Malawi since 2003, and has implemented Programmes on food security, sustainable food production and climate resilience in central and northern regions of Malawi. DF advocates for international policy frameworks and supports local partners’ policy work on agriculture, climate and agro-biodiversity related issues in Malawi. Visit The Development Fund of Norway (DF)

Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)

Norwegian Church Aid works with people and organizations around the world in their struggle to eradicate poverty and injustice. We provide emergency assistance in disasters and work for long-term development in local communities. To address the root causes of poverty, we advocate for just decisions by public authorities, businesses, and religious leaders. Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) is an International Non-Governmental Organization working in over 30 countries around the world. Norwegian Church Aid has been working in Malawi since 2002 and NCA Malawi Strategic Priorities for the period 2020-2024 are Gender Based Violence, Climate Smart Economic Empowerment, Fighting Inequality and humanitarian response

Call To Action

The mission is supporting community development through conservation and sustainable use of local biological resources. The idea is to raise all local crops and underutilised plant to level that farmers have sufficient food to meet the seed and food security and have surplus for sale to improve their livelihoods.

Portfolio 1

In Pictures we have: Catchment conservation and management Launch Rumphi, Goat pass on, Norway minister visit to Mkombezi and BCI meeting with stakeholders as well as local community.

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Magnam dolores commodi suscipit. Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem. Sit sint consectetur velit. Quisquam quos quisquam cupiditate. Et nemo qui impedit suscipit alias ea. Quia fugiat sit in iste officiis commodi quidem hic quas.

Prof Lusayo Mwabumba

Board Chairperson

Associate professor at Mzuzu University

Mr Victor Gondwe

Board Legal Advisor

Senior Counsel Victor Gondwe of John Tennyson & Associates

Mrs Betty Shumba – Mkandawire

Finance and Adminstrative Officer

Email :

Dr. Godwin Y. Mkamanga

Board Secretary/Executive Director

Email :

Mr Fredrick Sanga

Projects Coordinator

Can Be Contacted through Email:

Mrs. Theresa Nkhwazi

Office Assistant

Contact through Email:

Portfolio 2

In Pictures we have: Catchment conservation and management Launch Rumphi, Goat pass on, Norway minister visit to Mkombezi and BCI meeting with stakeholders as well as local community.

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App 1


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App 2


Card 2


Web 2


App 3


Card 1


Card 3


Web 3



Biodiversity Conservative Initiative can be contacted through the provided contacts or visit us through the given address


Sunbird Mzuzu, First Floor, Room No.1. P.O. Box 864, Luwinga, Mzuzu 2


+265 993 237 420

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